We All Are Actors

    Сhallenges 2, module 7  “Performers”
   The subject. We all are actors.
   Objectives.  - To practise the vocabulary on the topic;
-         to practise oral speech on the basis of the corresponding topic;
-         to improve phonetic and lexical skills of the pupils;
-         to help pupils understand the main values of life.

Expected results: Pupils have to discuss the job of different performers. 

   Materials: the book, a CD player, individual cards.

        1.        Warming up. 
a)     Glad to see you, my dears, at the lesson. I hope everything is good. Today we are having an unusual lesson. We are going to show our best, so you have to be very talkative, creative and wise.
b)     Answer the questions.
How do you like to rest?
Where do you spend your free time?
What places do you visit?
Do you often go to the circus?
How do you feel when you are in the circus?
2.     Checking up homework.
3.     Vocabulary practice.
What things do you imagine when you are in the circus?


          Show        Performance        Clowns        Happiness       Acrobats

b)    Have you heard the news? The circus is arriving into town.
Who do you want to see in the circus if you come to visit it? Why?
I’d like to see a magician, because I like am fond of magic and tricks.
I hope to see a juggler, because juggling is exciting.

4.     Speaking.
a)     Meet a clown.
The first person to announce about the performers     is the clown. Meet him. (the pupil wearing as a clown is entering and introduces him.)
Hi, everyone! Nice to meet you! Do you know who I am? Yes, I am a clown, Tim. I live and work in the circus. I’m very funny and energetic. I’m ready to answer your questions.
b)    Dialogue.
Pupils ask the clown different questions about his life and work and remember the answers.
How many hours a day do you practise?
Can you show us the trick?
How old are you?
Where did you study?
When do you have the performances?
Do you have to talk to the audience?
Can you ride a bike on the stage?
Are you skillful?

c)     Making a report.
The pupils are making the report about clown’s life.

5.     Speaking.
The clown is usually funny. He can entertain you. So, let’s play a little. The rules are easy. There are cards with the description of a person. You are to come up, to choose a card, to read it out and then to give it to a person, whom this description suits best of all. And of course you should give reasons for your choice.
You look lovely today!
I’d like to take a photo with you!
I'd like to drink tea with you!
Let’s go to the concert together!
Let’s go to the circus!
You’re really energetic!
You’re so talkative!
Why don’t we go out at weekends?
Tell a funny joke, please.
Would you like to watch this film with me?

6.     Guessing game.
Imagine that you are working i8n the circus. Choose the card with your job. Don’t show it anyone. You have to describe your job. The rest of pupils have to guess who you are.
I have to practise every day, because I can’t make mistakes. I can have the assistant. I can shoe the tricks few times, but the audience can guess how to make them.

7.     Relaxing pause.
Listen to five pieces of music.
Who of the performers can use them? Prove your point of view.

8.     Group work.
Join the groups according to the colour of your cards.
Every group has the task to create a human statue. You may use the chair, if you need it. Every group has to choose four things of clothes and accessories to wear a statue. Think about the name of the character and describe it.
-         The name of the character.
-         What does it symbolize?
-         What does it wear?
-         Where can he/she work?
-         What can/can’t it do?

9.     Writing.
When you go to the circus you have to follow some rules. Make them.
Use some cues: wear funny hats, enter the cage with the lion, stick your tongue out to the lion, laugh at the clown, be the assistant of the magician, perform with the acrobat, peel the bananas for the monkeys.

10.                       Situational talk.
You are parents and children.
Group A: You are children. You want to go to the circus, because it’s weekend and you need a rest. Your parents don’t let you do it because you were naughty. Persuade your parents.
Group B: You are parents. Your children ask you to go to the circus, but you don’t want. You think that the children were naughty and got bad marks.

11.                       Situational Talk.
You are in the circus. And of course you have tickets. (Pupils get the tickets in the shape of the clown)
You have to complete your tickets with some information.
  My dream (pupils write on the head)
  4 things I’m good at (they write on the left hand)
  5 words that describe me (on the right hand)
  Something I would like to be good at (on the body)

12.                       Summarizing.
13.                       Evaluation.

14.                       Homework.

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