
Сhallenges 4, module 1  “communication”
The 8th form                        
The subject. Communication.
Objectives.  – To practise the vocabulary on the topic;
-         to practise oral speech on the basis of the corresponding topic;
-         to improve phonetic and lexical skills of the pupils;
- to help pupils understand the main values of life.             
Expected results: Pupils have to compare different types of communication. 

Materials: the book, a CD player, individual cards, a computer, a projector.

         1.     Warming up. 
Glad to see you, my dears, at the lesson. I hope everything is good. At first I’d like to ask you to turn your mobile phones off. (for pupils who don’t move)
Is your mobile phone off?
Why did you turn it off?
How often do you use your mobile phone?
How often do you send text messages?
How long is the average text message that you send?
How much do you spend on your mobile phone?
How often do you change your mobile phone?

2.     Vocabulary practice.
What do you use your mobile for?
To phone relatives and friends, to play games, to listen to music, to text friends, to find out about the cinema or football results, to take photos, to say hello, to arrange to meet friends, as a clock.

3.     Speaking.
You are at the lesson. Suddenly you hear the sound of your favourite gadget.

Who could it be?
Can you guess the purpose of this phone call?
How do you feel? Why? Express your feeling.
How does your teacher react? Pretend to be you teacher. (Use body language.)

4.     Dialogue building task.
Tip: This dialogue is to give the students a model conversation from which to work from and create their own telephone conversations

“Hi Sophie, it’s Justin.”
“Hi. How are you?”
“Fine thanks. Listen! I haven’t got long because I’ve got a maths class in a minute. I just wanted to see if you are still coming tonight.”
“I’m not sure. I think my mum wants me to stay in tonight.
We’re going to my aunt’s house tomorrow and we have to leave really early.”
“Why, where does she live?”
“Miles away!”
“Well, what about if you came early and then my dad could give you a lift home at about ten. Most people are coming around seven anyway and it would be cool if you came.”
“Ok well, let me speak to my mum and I’ll text you later.”
“Ok, cool.”
“See you later.”
“Yeah, bye.”

5.     Role-play task.
It’s now your turn to create your own telephone conversation. Read the situation
on your card and ask about any words you don’t understand. You can write a draft of your telephone conversation but don’t write every word, just an outline of what you’re going to say
·        You need to cancel a trip to the cinema because your grandmother is coming for dinner.
·        Arrange with a good friend to go shopping on Saturday at the shopping centre.
·        You phone your best friend the morning of his/her birthday.
·        Phone your parents to ask them if you can be late for dinner to stay for an extra drama class after school.
·        Phone your friend to find out where they are. You’ve been waiting for them in a café for twenty minutes.

6.     Watching a video.
a)     Pre-watching.
What other kinds of communication do you use?
Are you on friendly terms with them?
Look at the picture. Can you guess what it is?
Will you be able to use it properly?
b)    While-watching.
Watch the video and say how the children liked the technology? Did they have any difficulties with it?
c)     After –watching.
-         Answer the questions.
Was it difficult to use the first computer? What were the difficulties?
Do the old and modern computers have a lot of things in common?
7.     Speaking.
Does your computer have the access to the internet?
Why do you need it? Do the teenagers use social networks?
Which ones are widely used by your peers?
What is your favourite social network?
Create a profile.
Imagine you want to join FriendPage.
Fill in your profile FriendPage profile.
Basic information:
interested in:
 right now I feel:
            What do you parents think when you log on the social network? Pole play your mum and you.
8.     Group work.
You are an internet provider. You are going to boost 4G internet. Create the advert.
Something special
9.     Situational talk.
A day without a mobile / a laptop…

10.                       Summarizing.
You really value face-to-face communication. Look at the eyes of your peers and tell them some pleasant words.
11.                       Evaluation.
12.                       Homework.

Composition “A day without a mobile. Pros and cons”.

Presentation for the lesson.

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